A collaborative, community space nestled in the mountains of Harmony, New Jersey.
The Humans Behind The Harmony Mountain House
The Harmony Mountain House is the result of colliding visions between two very driven + inspired individuals… Elyza and Sarah. When they first decided to go into business together… they had only known each other for a few months! Now fast forward to over two years later, and they’ve created a beautiful heart centered business together — and supported each other through life's biggest trials (hello small business ownership?!) and celebrations (birthdays… birthing days… travels… milestones… you name it.) These two women are proof positive that life doesn’t have a simple blueprint that you’re meant to live by. If it feels good… if it lights you up… if you know in your heart that you’re meant to be doing what you’re doing even if it seems absolutely crazy to some — it is 100% possible to create an uncharted path forward, to trust that you are being guided, and to create something absolutely beautiful (for yourself and others) while you go.
The Spark //
Elyza is an Aries Sun / Scorpio Moon + Rising who loves to take action, live inspired (and inspire others!) and often becomes a catalyst for great change in the lives of those she meets.
Little did she know that this chapter would be her own catalyst for greatest change while journeying down new paths: entrepreneurship, land stewardship, and motherhood — all simultaneously!
Her greatest passion is holding space for others in ALL of their humanity; an experience that she often missed out on in her earlier years of healing, and something that she intensely advocates for these days.
In fact, she does most things intensely, but has found her softer/gentler side as a mother to her loving, curious, fiery little sun — who was, fun fact, BORN right here at the retreat center in April of 2022.
These days, above all else, she can be found with him in her arms or by her side as she navigates the path of solo parenting as intuitively, consciously, and lovingly as possible.
People often tell her she should write a book (she’s got a LOT of stories to tell!) but for now she settles for sharing her musings via her public journal aka Instagram, and recently launched a podcast chronicling her motherhood journey called The Birth of A Sun.
The Vision //
Sarah is a Pisces Sun / Virgo Moon / Leo Rising / Projector who was the first person to DREAM the vision that would someday become The Harmony Mountain House.
Whether she’d like to admit it or not, she is a manifestor whose words have SO much power (the words that we ALL speak are powerful, but Sarah takes this up a notch by quite literally manifesting things into reality, constantly)!
In her truest essence, she is a space holder slash conscious investor who often steps into the roles of florist, chef, cleaner, cool auntie, back up handyman… and the list goes on!
Sarah is a true DREAMER who finds so much joy in nourishing others through intentionally crafted meals, thoughtfully curated spaces, and meaningfully deep conversations.
Follow Sarah along her personal journey here.
Our Vision + Values
We are a community-centric space, and while there is plenty of spaciousness here for serenity, our goal is to cultivate an inclusive, compassionate space for all beings. When you stay here, you’ll be welcomed by our team + our fluffy pup Beamer, and you might run into other guests who are also staying on the property, or have the entire place to yourself! Regardless, we ask all who enter this space be open to community + connection, and to treat everything/everyone you meet here (including the land) with respect and love.
In our experience, what we offer up, we receive back 100-fold, so that we may give from that overflow, over and over again. Everyone plays a vital and necessary part in the healthy ecosystem of this space (and all spaces), including our guests, team members, and Mama Earth herself. Nature and spirit truly rule here (just look around!) and treating this land (originally stewarded by the Leni-Lenape people) with love and respect is a non-negotiable. Asking for what you need during your time here is also a non-negotiable! Everything becomes medicine if we reconnect with the time + intentionality needed to slow things down, remember what truly matters, and become our truest selves both in service and in receptivity of this beautiful life. Spend your visit in Harmony as you would building your most sacred relationship, including helping the land, the humans, and yourself as often as you can, while also making sure you receive what you need to be well… and watch magic happen.
In a world that is anything but balanced in many places, we go out of our way here to understand the importance of each and every being on this planet and interact accordingly. We try our best to not harm any of the creatures who also inhabit this land and help keep the ecosystem well, and ask that you do the same during your stay. We maintain a plant-based kitchen here (no animal products), source locally as often as possible, and offer gratitude to every meal we share, as this can expand into every area of our lives after a day or week of eating compassionately. In addition, you will find homemade or eco-sourced products being utilized around the property. Fun fact… many of the items and furniture around our house have been gifted, thrifted, or recycled into their new lives here!
This entire place, the expansive vision that you are a part of, and the steps that brought us to where we are today were divinely guided… so we live accordingly here. Some might call our words, our intentions, and our practices “woo-woo,” but in truth, we are in exploration of returning to the natural way of living—connecting with the cycles of the moon and the seasons, honoring nature as teacher and medicine, and listening to the guidance of the spirits and beings of this land, our lineages, and the universe. This way of living is raw, messy + wild, and we make lots of mistakes along the way—while praying every day for our lives to be lived for the highest good of this world, among many other prayers. If you find yourself drawn to this space, we do not ask that you believe ANY of the same things that we do, we just ask that you know what your personal spiritual truth is, or are open to finding it along this journey.