Join us for a make-&-take herbalism workshop including discussion, crafting your own hands-on remedy, and samples!
The Autumn element: METAL
Some things we'll discuss include...
the energetic, emotion, color and taste of the season through herbs
the organs that correlate with Autumn and how to support them
the ritual of Autumn
harvesting and preparing herbal roots of plants
infusions / decoctions
During this workshop, you will...
make a root tincture to take home
learn how to blend a tasty medicinal tea
Cheryl’s Biography:
Cheryl is a Clinical Herbalist with over 30 years of experience in her field. Her company, Hilltop Herbals, produces small batch organic herbal products that combine her knowledge & expertise of herbs with her passion for helping others feel better in their bodies. Hilltop Herbals offers an integrative approach to well-being with health consultations, herbal formulations, medicinal food coaching, botanicals, skin care, and Reiki sessions.